Aroma Derm Body Cellulite Scrub
Aroma Derm Body Cellulite Scrub
Aroma Derm Body Cellulite Scrub

Aroma Derm Body Cellulite Scrub

Regular price$72.00
The formula is based on ingredients such as glycerin, jojoba oils, pine needles, macadamia, olives, centella extract and exfoliating agents. Active components thoroughly cleanse the skin, help eliminate "orange peel" and intensively moisturize tissues. The gentle consistency is easily distributed and provides gentle peeling, penetrating to deeper levels and restoring natural processes.

Apply the peeling to the skin of the body in areas with fatty deposits and flabbiness, then perform an intensive massage and rinse with warm water. Before using Aroma Derm Body Cellulite scrub, it is recommended to consult a specialist. The product has a thermoactivated effect and can cause hyperemia (reddening of the skin), intense vascular reactions, such as tingling and a feeling of heat. These reactions are natural and indicate that the product is active.

Cypress oil, Juniper oil, Pine oil and nicotinic acid, Centella asiatica extract.

Пилинг Aroma Derm Body Cellulite scrub предназначен для улучшения гладкости, упругости и эластичности кожи. Он активно борется с птозами и дряблостью в проблемных зонах, таких как область шеи (отложение жира в шейно-воротниковой зоне, известное как «вдовий горб»), под подбородком (или «двойной подбородок»), жировые складки в области подмышек, талии, коленей, а также с «унылым видом» живота и ягодиц.

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